Hi Friends. Good evening from a rainy Taichung City, Taiwan.
In this demonstration, you'll find out how to grow a mixture of 5~7 microgreens in your DIY Microgreens Grow Kit. While the video is missing it's bells, whistles and emojis, it carefully walks you through all of the simple steps to grow some great tasting and beautiful microgreens veggies in less than 10 days.
So...Let's Make It Happen!
I'd be remiss if I didn't introduce to you, our fine grower (and parents), how you came about this little grow kit. Here in Taiwan, our National and Local Governments have decided to take helpful steps to slow down the explosion of COVID cases that has recently hit the island by shutting elementary schools down for a week. These closures have left many children and students with little else to do save for online classes, homework, and perhaps too much time spent indoors. As a father to a young son, this situation we're all in makes me feel a little more unsettled.
So...enter some DIY fun (in absent of the sun) and enjoyment for our young ones through the germinating, nurturing and finally eating of the 'seeds to veggies' of their labor!
We care deeply about your health, those of the next generation and so much more at Co-X Green Works in Taichung, Taiwan.
So, what are you waiting for? Let's have some fun! :P